7 out of 10 businesses are not prepared to respond to a Cyber Attack

by | May 27, 2021 | Facts


Reading Time: 3 Minutes



Fact: 7 out of 10 businesses are not prepared to respond to a Cyber Attack.


73% of companies, based on a statistic made by Hiscox in the UK, US, Spain, Germany & Netherlands are just not prepared.



The overheads were ranging from lack of resources, budget, awareness, down to not testing their infrastructure how they would withstand an attack by simulating real-life attacks out of services like Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments and Social Engineering Phishing attacks.


See Also: Fact: Hacking Has Evolved



As IT Spending is growing exponentially, for example, IoT devices are on the rise with over 87% of healthcare organizations implementing their usage for patient monitoring followed by remote operation and location services (Source: Aruba Networks). It is estimated that by the year 2025 an estimated 64 billion connected IoT devices will be taking place, including the 5G Network which started taking place in several countries.


A lot of attacks are affecting major vendors, which most of the industry relies on when they use their products. This not only puts your company in a vulnerable state for any criminal hacker to take advantage of, through the CVES (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) that are being released on a daily basis but also the lack of knowledge and time for the IT team to respond on time, to patch these vulnerabilities.



When it comes to data, storage is important yet not many spends on reliable storage solutions, however when a company suffers data loss, suddenly they want to implement a decent storage solution.


When it comes to a Cyber Attack, sometimes there is no second chance to recover. A projected 146 billion records will be exposed between 2020 and 2023 done through a study by Juniper predicting and calculating the number of actual breaches and not just the reported ones.


See Also: PDF Feature ‘Certified’ Widely Vulnerable to Attack



The world is changing, stay always one step ahead of criminal hackers by consulting with Red-Team-oriented Information Security awareness training and solutions.




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